quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015



From Ancient Societies

Aksumites: Bloodline of the Red Sea
The Aksumites are lesser-known, but a crucial connection between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. They’re all over the mythology of the Lost Tribe of Israel, and were thought to be the ones who took hold of the Ark of the Covenant. The Aksumites were famous for their spirituality and their ability to peacefully trade and negotiate in even the worst war zones.

Conventional history says that the Aksum Empire was a major trading power that thrived on trade with Egypt and Rome; in fact, they minted their own gold coins to facilitate their powerful position. Aksum is also the mythical origin of the Queen of Sheba and the Ark of the Covenant.
Name: The Aksum (or Axum) Empireaksumite_map
Continent: Africa/Arabia
Time Period: 100–940 CE
Succeeded/Conquered By: Beta Israel
Currently: Coastal Ethiopia
What is less often acknowledged is that the true roots of the Aksumite culture started at least 7,000 years ago, and further that the discoveries of Lucy and other hominid fossils in Ethiopia attest to its status as one of the birthplaces of humanity in the first place.
Unfortunately, the Aksumites began their slow descent into corruption starting with their first contact with the Romans and inevitable subsequent conversion to monotheism in the 4th century. In the centuries that followed, Aksum became despotic and greedy, subjugating their neighbors, until being overrun and assimilated into a toxic brew of lies.
Soon, we will learn the true wisdom of this great Line. And we’ll start to uncover the (real) meaning of some of its greatest works.

The Aksum Obelisk (Tigray Region, Ethiopia)

The Aksum Obelisk

Photo credit: ndřej Žváček, via Wikimedia Commons
Ancient Societies credit: http://www.ancientsocieties.com/aksumites-bloodline-of-the-red-sea/

Endgame Player
Hilal Ibn Isa

Endgame Promo
12 “Players” were chosen to represent the Endgame bloodlines leading up to the release of the Endgame: The Calling book.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HaileyBright
Video: http://endgameiscoming.com/ak
Name: Hailey Bright
Age: Unknown
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Bloodline: Aksumite
Chances of survival: 93%

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